Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Markets v. Commons by Hazel Henderson

Markets v. Commons by Hazel Henderson

We have to realize that there is no money in evolution.

Natural selection is subverted by money, by wealth, by the shiny, little bits that we value. THEY HAVE NO INTRINSTIC VALUE, even if they're made of silver, gold, platinum...

Money is a lie.


  1. This says it all, very simply. It's the main reason that our species is in danger of extinction. Our priorities are entirely twisted due to the concept of money.

    There is no analog for the concept of money in evolution; natural selection can not be perverted by it. "Value" to humans is a very bizarre concept, especially when compared to all other species!

  2. Even though I whole heartily agree. Try to tell this to some mo-mo driving down the road in their Bentley or Beamer and ask them to give it up for a Toyota Prius or a horse or Goddess forbid ride a public transportation. Or ask them to live in a totally sustainable home. Not to mention grow or farm all their own organic veggies and food. That would be too much like work omg! But then again we could get society to change its mind and it would be sheik to do that and Beverly Hills would turn in to one big hydroponic green house. Hmmmm one can dream!

  3. I think it's in the works, Marie, 2112 is what we make of it.

    I do see Republicans who are actually pro-environment because of the negative consequences doing of business as usual.

    True values ARE environmental, because of evolution and the natural order.

  4. I see the implicit falsehood of using money as either a metric or means by which to advance. Perhaps only as a tool to check on usefulness, it may have a role. Otherwise, generalizing Darwinism to monetary systems is highly problematic, i.e.:
